Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Guide To Starting A Career In Video Games Prepare Yourself For A Break-In!

Starting a career in the video game industry used to a difficult thing; there were very few options and very few schools that could teach the required cutting edge skills. If you wanted to choose this path you had to be self taught. Today this dilemma has been turned upside down. You now have a plethora of schools to choose from and lots of programs and specialties to decide amongst. Here is some advice on what the industry has to offer and what you can do to prepare yourself.

The video game industry has changed over the past ten years. It has matured and is now a full-fledged industry. This means that there are plenty of opportunities to find a rewarding career without being a hot-shot game programmer. As a matter of fact, the days of the hot shot developer are pretty much over. In todays world the creation of a state of the art video game now requires a dedicated team of employees with a wide range of skills and interests.

What does this mean for you? It means opportunity in a lot of different disciplines and it means that you have to specialize within a subgenre of the big picture of "Making Video Games". But before you pack off and go to a video game school or dish out the dollars for an online school there are some things you should do and some things you need to know.

1. Learn the basic concepts of game design

Have an understanding of video games, how they're played, and what they're all about. You should have a feel for the game industry; know what games are out there, what styles of play they have, and how they handle the game playing experience. Chances are good that you already fulfill this requirement.

Have an understanding of the underlying principles of game design. There are several ways that you can do this. I recommend one or both of these methods to get you started in this:

Build Mods Mods are modifications of existing games. Quake is a famous game for this approach. You use the mod builder software and you build levels or worlds that can be added right into the game itself. The Mod sub culture is very vibrant and you can find a lot of support and help. To gain even better experience that translates well into a corporate environment you should join a volunteer Mod development team. This gives you good teamwork experience and gives you insight on how a video game project is broken down into pieces.

Get a free or inexpensive Game engine development suite and build your own games. You can build adequate and fun to play games on your own this way. I recommend you do this with the Genesis 3d Game development software. It is completely free.

2. Get familiar with some of the professions in the industry and the tools that are used.

There are a whole host of tools that game design teams use. And the tools you would use are dependent on what role you would play on the team. Here is an overview of some of the different jobs in the industry and what software tools they would use.

If you like drawing and painting with traditional tools you might want to consider being a concept artist. They do all their work with off computer art tools. They would conceptualize and draw the scenes and the creatures in a game.

If you think you might like computer designing worlds and scenes in a video game you should consider being a 2-dimensional artist. They create all the structures, textures and backgrounds in game worlds. Photoshop is the de-facto program for this job. If you can afford a copy of this program you will get a definite insight into this career path. If you cannot afford Photoshop you should consider getting Paint Shop Pro. It is less expensive and very similar to Photoshop and it will give you a good foundation into the world of 2-dimensional artwork.

If Characters and models are what you are enthusiastic about you should consider becoming a 3-Dimensional Model Artist. This type of artist is concerned with making the characters, monsters, creatures and objects that inhabit a video game world. In this area of game art the choice of software is not as straight-forward as in the 2d art. The most accepted software is 3D studio Max. Two other popular programs are Maya and SoftImage. If you are looking for a free 3d modeling tool that will get you started you may want to get Milkshape. It is a tool designed for the game Half-Life.

The concepts of modeling are universal so the skills will transfer from one tool to the other. You will just have to learn the specifics of the new tool which will be easy enough.

Animator - This is the person that makes the characters and objects in the game move. It is a very specific skill and it takes good understanding of animation to get things right. There are many software programs that are used for animation and they include Macromedia Flash, Alias/Wavefront, 3D Studio Max and Lightwave 3D.

Programmer - This is something that is a little more traditional when we think of video game making "Programming" and it is a very wide field that can find you doing almost anything in the video game making arena. A programmer could be called upon to do any number of things from managing a database to designing the artificial intelligence within a game or creating specialized software tools that other designers use to create the game.

Other Opportunities in Video game design - There are many other jobs in the video game industry ranging from Script and story writer to even network administrator or computer maintenance and repair technician.

Today there are many different career paths that can be taken into the video game industry. This requires you to specialize in a set of skills. Understanding what these different skills are and getting a head start now will increase your marketability in the very competitive video game industry.

Will Kalif is the author of two self-published epic fantasy novels, an amateur video game designer and an avid classical guitarist. You can download free samples of his work at his personal website http://www.stormthecastle.comCeil Blog67760
Caril Blog46499

Email Marketing Software - Is It Hurting Your Business?

Ten years ago I started my first online business venture out of the basement office of my home. I put together a Web site selling scrapbook products on my wifes suggestion that scrapbooking was emerging as a hot niche in the crafting industry.

Keeping up with the day to day chores of running my own business challenged me to manage my time wisely. Preparing my email newsletter each month consumed many hours of my time. I wrote the sales copy and made sure all the links in the newsletter worked correctly. Cleaning my mailing list of email addresses I dreaded the most.

I wanted to make sure that all unsubscribe requests got properly removed from my list. The software maintaining my list had no reliable way of accomplishing this task so I did it all manually. I broadcast my newsletter to my squeaky clean list but how much time did it take me to keep it that way? Answer: Way too much time.

Penny wise and pound foolish means being cautious with small amounts of money but careless with large amounts. What large amounts of money was I being foolish with? My time. Time is money and being cautious with my money by purchasing inexpensive email marketing software (penny wise) resulted in using way too much time (pound foolish) because the software woefully lacked features I needed.

Building trust and relationships is what email marketing is all about. A big part of that trust is built upon how well I managed my subscription lists. When someone on my list asks for removal, I want to respond accordingly. Not complying with these requests puts my business reputation at risk. But there are additional concerns.

Domain registrars are taking spam complaints more seriously and many openly provide complaint forms on their Web sites. Too many complaints reported to my domain registrar could give them reason to disable my domain. I didnt want to have my thriving online business suddenly brought to a standstill because my domain got shut down.

Also, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 dictates that email sent to the requestor's email address must stop within 10 business days. Each violation of CAN-SPAM provisions is subject to fines of up to $11,000. Ouch!

After several software trials, I found that Mailloop 7 from Internet Marketing Center met my needs of processing subscribe and unsubscribe requests automatically through a list of filters and rules. Now I maintain as many lists as I need to keep up with the demands of my business. But most important, I will never again worry about marketing to anyone who unsubscribes from my list as the software automatically maintains a Master Unsubscribe List to make sure of that.

Another part of my online marketing strategy is using an autoresponder to cut down on the daily chore of answering frequently asked questions. Though Ive provided the answers in a convenient FAQ, I still get email inquiries on a daily basis.

Autoresponders use my customers' desire for instant gratification to my advantage. A single autoresponder frees me from the tedious task of responding to each and every requestsuch as manually sending out purchase confirmationsgiving me time to focus on more profitable areas of my business. But that's not all.

Unlimited sequential autoresponders enables me to send a personal response instantly; and then a personalized follow-up message a few days later; and then a friendly reminder a week later; and on and on! Using this method of communicating with my customers greatly increases my sales.

Cheap alternatives for email marketing abound on the Web but the question remains: "Are you being penny wise and pound foolish?" Think of a carpenter who frames houses for a living. Is he using a hand saw or a power saw? Is he using a hammer or a nail gun? If the carpenter doesn't take advantage of the tools of his trade that will boost his productivity, he will soon find himself looking for a new career.

If you are still using inferior software to help you maintain your subscriber lists, it's likely that you're wasting lots of precious time trying to maintain a competitive edge in your field. Find a robust software solution that is well worth the money invested in its cost. Compare it with other email marketing solutions in its class. Ask if it has spam checking, statistical reporting and my favorite, unlimited autoresponders. If you do your homework and invest in good software, you will save hours and hours of time that could be better used in more important matters of your businessand you wont be accused of being penny wise and pound foolish.

Geoff Charles has over ten years online marketing and Web promotion experience and currently runs, a free advertising venue for Web sites. Read his review of Mailloop 7 for automating Internet marketing campaigns. Blog59317
Bernie Blog72467

Protecting Your Home With A Home Security System

No matter where you live, it is important for you to make sure your home is secure. If you have your own home, it is likely that you are paying a lot of money to maintain it. The last thing you need is someone robbing you or destroying the property that you've worked hard for years to acquire and maintain. By using a home security system, you will be comfortable in knowing your property is protected. In a sense, even though most people living in apartments do not own them, they are more at risk of being robbed than people who live in their own homes. This should give them an even bigger reason to purchase home security systems.

Keeping the home secure should be important to anyone who values their freedom and the things they've worked hard to acquire. It isn't enough to simply depend on your local law enforcement agencies. More often than not, by the time the police arrive, it is already too late. It is much easier to take the necessary stepts to protect your home instead of trying to rely on law enforcement officials once your home has been robbed. Thieves have become more skilled than ever before. While adding a simple lock to your home may have worked 50 years ago, it is now easy to go online and find books which will tell you how to bypass a wide variety of locks.

When you talk to most people about home security systems, the first thing that comes to their mind is expensive equipment. While some of the home security systems available on the market can be expensive, there are cheaper options available, and you can get a great deal if you know where to look. Depending on where you live, you may already have high levels of security. This is especially true for people who live in gated communities. If you are about to move to a new location, you should spend a bit of time researching crime and statistics for the area in which you plan to move. Living in a high risk area can increase your chances of being robbed.

Another thing that you should watch is your personal habits. Many people have their homes broken into because they send signals to criminals that they have things that are worth stealing. While there is nothing wrong with wearing expensive jewelry and clothes, many people give off the signals that criminals need. In most cases, a thief won't break into your home unless they feel you have valuables. Driving around in an expensive car or wearing costly jewelry can make you a potential target.

A number of communities have started a "neighborhood watch program," and this is a low cost way that neighbors can work together to keep crime out of their neighborhood. In addition to installing cameras or alarms in your home, you may want to purchase a guard dog. Most intruders will turn the other way when they encounter a Rottweiler, Bull Mastiff, German Shepherd, or Doberman. It is also important for you to look at your living situation. Is there always somone at home? Or are you and your family constantly gone on trips? The answers you give to these questions should help you determine your security needs.

Michael Colucci is a writer on Home Security Systems at which is part of the network.Augustina Blog83130
Carita Blog53472

Bad Credit Unsecured Loans UK counter credit woes in taking fresh loan

In the UK, it is now a lot easier for bad credit people who have a blemished credit history to avail a new loan, thanks mainly to ever increasing competition amongst the lenders. In order to survive, there have now mushroomed numbers of lenders who have bad credit unsecured loans for such borrowers in the UK. So despite bad credit, you have fresh opportunity in getting the loan for home improvements, buying a new car, debt consolidation, wedding or enjoying holidays.

Many people in the UK are having arrears or late payments in their names or they have defaulted on payments and have county court judgments. Bad credit unsecured loans are meant for such borrowers. These loans are risky for any lenders. So in order to cut risks, lenders want to see that the borrower has good repaying capacity. Your annual income, bank balance is therefore crucial for a lender. So ensure that you have a fair amount in your bank always while applying for bad credit unsecured loans. The faith the lender has in you, determines the approval of the loan. Make all efforts to convince the lender that the loan amount will be repaid in time.

Bad credit unsecured loans UK is approved without taking collateral from the borrower, which makes it a risk free loan for the applicant. Lenders, however, charge interest at higher rate on bad credit unsecured loans. To counter high rate you can take rate quotes and compare lenders. You get only smaller amount ranging up to ₤25000 for shorter duration that ranges 5 to 15 years.

If you search internet you come across numbers of bad credit unsecured loans providers in the UK. Do not go by their claims of a suitable deal for you. First take rate quotes of lenders. Compare individual interest rates of lenders. For your circumstances there is surely a suitable loan offer. You should ensure that you pay back the loan installments regularly so that your credit score improves and loan in future is easier to get.

Anton Gabriel is the author of this article. He aims to inform common people of the several issues involved in Adverse Credit Unsecured Loans through his articles. To find Bad credit unsecured loans UK, bad credit history unsecured loans, Adverse credit unsecured loans, Unsecured personal loans visit Blog64960
Beth Blog23055

How To Write A Personal Statement For College

The entire college admission process can be exhausting and nerve-racking but there are few things worse than writing the personal statement for college applications. Your first thought is that it would be a piece of cake, everything you have to do is write a few words about yourself - what your interests are, what you would like to accomplish in life. However, personal statements for college have never been an easy task. When writing a statement for college, your high school writings for which you got straight A's won't do you much good.

The main issue is that when writing your personal statement for college, you are not in that world and you are well aware of it. Personal statements are not supposed to be essays about how much you admire famous people like Gandhi. You shouldn't also write about the first time you leaned how important teamwork is or anything like that. They have heard it all, so you cannot write anything new and this, unfortunately, is not in your favor.

These are the reasons why so many people seek help when writing their personal statement for college is concerned. I had a good time growing up. As my mother is a very famous and acknowledged writer, I always counted on her for feedback. Even now she is there for me when I need an intelligent and well-structured statement or paper. Apart from helping with my essays, my mother was also good enough to give me a hand when I was writing my personal statement for college.

Of course, I realize not everyone is lucky enough to have such a valuable resource at their home, and not everyone can also depend on their high school English teacher. So, if this concerns you, then you can try searching some sites on the internet that might turn to be quite helpful. For instance, most of them offer free tips telling you what you should avoid and what you should include when writing your personal statement for college. From my point of view, when writing your personal statement it's best to try to find face to face feedback from someone whom you trust.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning education. Learn more at Blog78208
Bibbye Blog25884

Adult Dating Sites, Done Just Right, Are Great

Dating is a lot easier back when I was still young. But now that Ive gotten older and have more responsibilities than before, I find that I dont have enough time to spend on socializing with people my age. Is your situation the same as mine? If it is, then you might want to try adult dating sites. We use to meet people through our friends and acquaintances but now that we dont have the luxury of time, dating sites on the Internet gives us a new way of interacting with people for fun, friendship and romantic purposes.

Adult dating sites makes finding singles near your place more convenient, giving you more opportunities to find potential partners for intimate relationships. Most sites have features that let you browse through a gallery of local guys and gals, allowing you to choose your type. Send a few messages to those you like and you may find individuals who are looking for the same kind of relationship. Its also possible to find all types of ethnicity, nationality, religion, marital status, and age group. Adult dating sites gives you all the freedom you want to choose who you want to connect with.

Finding prospective partners through online adult dating sites is quite simple. All you have to do is make a good profile by posting your best picture and adding a few interesting details about yourself on the Internet. You can then wait for emails from other singles who found you appealing. If you want to a more aggressive approach, you can contact those you find pleasing yourself. All of which can be done easily through your PC at the comfort of your room. You dont have to seek out the local hotspots to find other singles, you can have a pleasant conversation with your new found friends through online dating sites.

Todays technology allows you to mingle in many different ways. Adult dating sites enable you to socialize with people through txt messages or chartrooms. You can even communicate through voice chats, making it possible for you to hear your friends lovely voice. If you want to spice up your life, adult dating sites will give you just that. No matter how busy you may be finding interesting friends is now convenient and easy.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning dating. Get more information by visiting Blog41427
Camile Blog97815

What Vocational Schools Are

Most companies only want to hire qualified people to be responsible in a certain job. This is because the training provided will be useful in accomplishing a certain task regardless if this managing accounts or fixing a car in the repair shop.

There are many places where an individual can be trained. If the person does not want to spend 4 years in getting a degree, there are other institutions that can provide the proper tools, which can be finished in two years or less. These places are called vocational schools.

A vocational school provides lectures and hands on training to a person. This can be in the field of nursing, engineering, and cosmetology and culinary to name a few. Some of these places offer one or two courses while the rest offer a wide range that allows the student to take advanced classes after finish a certificate in one course.

These vocational schools can be found all over the United States. Some have branches in other states that allow the student to cross enroll in another campus to be able to learn more.

Anyone who wishes to go to a vocational school should first check on the courses offered online by filling up the application form and waiting for a few days so that a brochure can be delivered.

If the person is left with three schools that offer the same course, the decision on which to enroll in should depend on the tuition, the teacher to student ratio and the success rate of employment of the individual after graduation.

Those who may have a hard time in paying for the tuition can get a scholarship from the vocational school or apply for a loan. There are many private and non-profit organizations that offer this to people who want to learn.

A good vocational school that has a good relationship with some of the top employers in that state can endorse a well deserving student right after gradauation. The person will just have to work hard because there will also be others vying for the same position.

It is entirely up to the person what will happen right after secondary school. The individual can take a break first then apply to a college later on or just sit at home doing nothing or getting a job that pays only a low salary.

People who want to succeed have to take the initiative in getting quality education. This is because the vocational school will not call the individual at home and invite the student to enroll but rather the other way around.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on Vocational Schools & other useful information, please visit http://vocational-schools.articlekeep.comAlisha Blog97492
Aleece Blog78208

Save Hundreds On Christmas Shopping This Year With Coupon Codes

When the weather is bad and the crowds are frightful, its time to head indoors, sit down at your computer and do a little online shopping.

What surprises many new online shoppers is how much money can be saved by shopping from your own living room. Used judiciously, online shopping codes can save you a lot of money and time. Whats best is finding boxes at your doorstep days later. No schlepping to the mall, dealing with parking and other people, and then lugging things home.

But to get the most bang for your online shopping buck, you need to understand the fine art of coupon codes and their various uses. If you just go shopping online, ignoring the various promotional deals, you might spend more than you would in a brick and mortar store, and who wants that?

Heres how to get the codes.

First, for each online store you visit, sign up for their newsletter or to be on their mailing list. Sure, this means more email, but if its a store you like, its worth the bigger mail download. Trust us. Stores routinely send notices of secret sales, unique coupon codes good for 10 to 50% off your purchase, and promos offering free gifts with purchase and free shipping.

Second, when you receive a package from an online store, be sure to check all the paperwork. Often, the online stores tuck coupon codes into the box enclosures for you to use later.

Third, check out the various coupon websites designed to help you find and use online coupon codes. If you Google online coupon codes youll be met with a wide array of choices in websites. Try to find a good site with a message board; you can find more deals at the message board or find reviews of various stores and experiences from people using certain coupon codes.

Finally, pay attention to all that paper you usually dont pay much attention to. For example, your cable TV or satellite TV bill might have a coupon code for Home Shopping Network. Your Visa bill might come with an enclosure offering special deals and discounts at various stores if you use your Visa card.

Then, learn how to use the codes.

Once you have some coupon codes you might want to use, how to do you use them? Usually, youll enter a code at checkout. Each retailer has a different set-up. Some will ask for a code before you hit the checkout button, while others ask for it last, just before giving you a final summary before you submit your order. Be sure to look carefully for the box to enter the code. The site might ask for a code, a promo code, a discount code, or a special offer code. Whatever they call it, thats where you enter your code.

Once you enter the code, look for proof that the site has accepted the code and applied any discount. For example, if the coupon is for 10% off, make sure that 10% has indeed been deducted for your total. Again, depending on the site, this will look different. For example, some sites might take the discount off each individual item, and the discount noted on each line of the order. Others might take the discount off the total purchase price and that will be noted at the bottom of the order.

If the code is not accepted for some reason, be sure to read the code details again. Has the coupon code expired? Did you purchase enough? (Some free shopping codes require a minimum purchase, for example.) Are all the items on the order eligible for the discount? Did you enter the code correctly?

How much can you save?

How much you can save using coupon and promotional codes depends on where you shop and what you buy. If you have a lot of shopping to do, you can literally save hundreds of dollars. If a toy store has free shipping on a $75 purchase, you might save $10 just on the shipping alone.

You can save even more by hunting for deals to combine. You cant usually stack coupons, which means to use more than one coupon at the same store at the same time. However, you can often stack a free shipping code with a dollars-off one. For example, that same toy store with free shipping on a $75 purchase might allow you to also use a code for $10 off the $75 purchase. So now your savings has increased from $10 to $20 just by spending a few extra minutes finding another coupon code.

How else can you save?

There are a myriad of ways to save when shopping online besides just using coupon and promotional codes. Combine these deals with coupons and you really have a great deal.

For example, look for buy one get one promotional deals. It might in the form of a free gift (free tote with purchase) or a free like item when a similar item is purchased. Combine these deals (which usually do not require a code) with a coupon and free shipping and you might reduce your order total to half of what it might have been without codes and special promos.

Be sure to also check out the online sites that give you cash back or points for purchases. Simply link through their site (entering the store via a link on the sites page) and then go shopping as normal. Use all the special promos and coupons you would otherwise use, but youll also get a cash back rebate or points you can redeem later for gift certificates.

Jean Gibbons offers valuable tips and advice on saving money online, internet coupons, and using coupons codes for discounts. Blog21522
Cate Blog8756

When To Workout

What should I eat? When should I eat it? And whens the best time to work out? Should I hit the gym when I wake up in the morning, during lunch hour, or late afternoon? Everyone has a different opinion, whether they are an entrepreneur, a freelance photographer, a school teacher or a diehard fitness freak. So HCM took the query to the training professionals to get their take on the problem.

Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter, author of Your Performing Edge and member of the medical staff at Stanford says, The best time of day to exercise is first thing in the morning. You lower your stress and increase your metabolic level. If you wait until later in the day you may put the workout off and not do it at all. (Website for helpful articles and success tips:

Dr. Yariv Rothman, a Venice, California chiropractor also prefers the A.M. workout. A morning workout can be very helpful, especially if youre shedding those extra pounds post pizza night. Cardiovascular exercise or circuit training in the AM stimulates the endocrine system, releasing endorphins and enhancing mood. Dr. Rothman says, My patients who work out in the early morning report that they have more energy throughout the day and deal with stressful situations at work better.

Guy Grundy, Mr. Australia, is a morning person, too. He says, By training first thing in the morning you are able to take advantage of certain factors. You release more growth hormones (GH) at this time due to the low blood sugar levels. The more GH you release the better.

If you are looking to gain bulk or become more lean, your meals will be a little different. To bulk up, Mr. Australia suggests, A high protein, high carb snack is great before the workout as you will have additional nutrients in your system while you are training. Dr. Dahlkoetter suggests a sports bar or a bowl of oatmeal.

If you are looking to drop body fat Guy Grundy offers a suggestion before pumping weights, Go with a shake. Its easy to digest and will ensure you have enough protein in your system while you train. Remember, if your body is low on carbs it will use protein as an energy source.

Grundy says, I always make sure I have a little more protein in each meal as I like to stay lean and therefore eat less carbs. I build muscle and drop more body fat with this method.

The most important meal is the one immediately following your workout. You should look to get between 25-50% of your daily carbohydrate intake. And the amount of carbs needed during a post workout meal varies between people. Guy Grundy says, My favorite is egg whites, flank steak, and three blueberry and banana multigrain pancakes.

Theres a good reason for all these carbs. After a workout your body has depleted its carbohydrate reserves. Your body is releasing more insulin, sending needed carbs back into the muscles. These calories and nutrients absorbed during post-workout meals are directed into the worn muscle mass which leads to a better gain in muscle and cell growth.

Guy Grundy says, Using creatine with your post workout meal and a high amount of water will provide even better results.

Dr. Rothman says, Your body needs refueling as well as protein, which is necessary for muscle repair. He suggests a turkey sandwich or a few scrambled eggs with fruit.

There is a downside to the morning workout. Since muscles are still asleep from a long nights rest, they need some waking up before strenuous exercise. Spend a few minutes warming up. This could be five minutes on the stationary bicycle and stretching exercises, which will avoid unnecessary strain on muscles and ligaments.

Ryan Kravetz, a Bally Total Fitness trainer and former Team USA ice hockey forward, knows a morning workout gets the metabolism going, but he has practical concerns. The crowd hits the gym in the early morning and late afternoon. This is the time when people have to wait to do their bench presses or leg lifts. The equipment is available without a wait during midday, says Kravetz.

Not everyone can jump out of bed in the morning and pump iron. There is a school of thought that agrees with Kravetz, but for a different reason. Led by Dr. Phyllis Zee of Northwestern University, this group cites a good explanation for the P.M. exercise. Muscle strength is at its peak, and people are most alert. Therefore, athletes are less apt to injure themselves.

Theres some science to back this opinion, too. It has to do with circadian rhythms, our internal biological clocks. These rhythms time our sleep, wakefulness, and body temperature. During the afternoon our internal clocks have increased our body temperature by one to two degrees. Consequently, muscles are more supple lowering the risk to injury. For most people this happens between 2:00-4:00 P.M.

Exercise before bedtime is frowned upon. According to Dr. Dahlkoetter, sports psychologist, If you exercise at night, you will become dehydrated and have more difficulty sleeping. A workout before bedtime will keep you up. Sure, youll be wide awake for Letterman or Leno, but youll have trouble waking up for that early morning appointment.

Maybe its an A.M. workout you prefer to start the day with an energy boost. Or a P.M. workout suits you best when your muscles are warm and you need to relieve some stress. Take your pick. Choose one and stick with it. And remember to eat smart before and after you exercise. Maintaining a regular workout schedule with an appropriate diet could extend your life and definitely improve your mental and physical health.

Dane Fletcher is THE Training Authority and writes exclusively fro, a leading provider of weightlifting supplements and alternatices to anabolic steroids. For more information please visit http://www.steroidpimp.comCeleste Blog2114
Ajay Blog84400

Hostgator Shared and Reseller Web Hosting

What are the benefits of Hostgator Shared and Reseller Web Hosting? For a start, you get a free billing manager, a free merchant account, free optional hosting templates and a free eNom domain reseller account! How is that for just some of the benefits?

This offer gives you the ability to host unlimited sites where you can create your own packages and prices. Your customers do not even have to know who you are. You can be anonymous, which allows you to act independently as a hosting company.

This offer is not limited to just English speaking people either. In fact, the Control Panel supports 23 languages and 52 scripts are available for free use. Simple to follow instructions are found on the home page of this web site to get you started on entering into the reseller hosting industry.

The latest buzz on the hosting coupons web site is Hostgator's offer of Roundcube Webmail integrated in its web hosting plans. Roundcube is built on Ajax technology and the great benefits arising from this is enhanced interactivity, and through it's interface offers spell checking, message and contact list search, multiple sender identities, multi-language support, unlimited users and messages, built-in caching for accelerated mailbox access and custom message folders.

The constant development of open source projects is strongly supported by Host Gator which helps keep the costs down for reseller customers and web hosting customers.

Rajat Oberai organizes Hostgator Shared and Reseller Web Hosting at Blog80840
Brandi Blog44555

Should You Pay For PPC On Individual Websites?

There are a lot of companies that are running their own pay per click program on their website, not wanting to go with Google Adsense, Yahoo Overture, or MSN Adcenter. There are many reasons why they might be doing this.

Have you ever thought about advertising directly on their site? And you don't even have to go through Google Adsense, Yahoo Overture, or MSN Adcenter!

The first reason is that they want better control. They want to be able to better control what advertisements they want to display on their website. This makes sense, because they don't want to worry about their competitors being on their website, or any other company that might be taking business away from them. Yes, the admin panels for Google Adsense and Yahoo YPN allow you to "block" competitors, but again, it's going to be hard for them to know all the ads that are being displayed on their website.

The second reason is money. Companies that run their own Pay Per Click software on their site can receive more funds from advertisers. Google Adsense and Yahoo YPN each have to take their own "cut" from publishers so they can be profitable as well. When a company avoids using Google Adsense or Yahoo YPN, they are receiving the "cut" that those companies normally take.

The third reason is value. Companies that use their own software to display ads on their site give more value to the advertiser. These companies want to make sure that their advertising clients are benefiting from the clients that go to their website. That's creating a win-win situation. As more, and better traffic flow through the advertisements, the advertising clients are more likely to renew their subscriptions and keep their ads running longer on their website.

So, is it worth it to you and your company to go direct on an individual website?


You may be paying the same price in the first place. If you are currently using pay per click for your advertising campaign, you may be paying a price that is comparable to Google Adsense, Yahoo Overture, or MSN Adcenter already.

By finding an individual website to advertise on, you know exactly who the audience is and what type of people will see your ad, click on your ad to come to your website, and hopefully purchase your product or service.

In this age of quick information and consumer "mind drift" it is hard to capture new clients and any advantage that you can have over your competitor should be used.

So the next time you're out surfing websites, check and see if they have advertisements on their site. Then check to see if they are actually providing the advertisements through there own software. Many sites will tell you what rates they charge and how to get started.

Advertise well!

Copyright (c) 2006 Damon Clifford

Damon Clifford is a Pay Per Click consultant. You can view his training, tips, and plain common sense at Blog67532
Andria Blog11398

Mistakes Women Make With Their Online Dating Profile Photo

Millions of single women are making these online dating profile photo mistakes. Your photo is the most important part of your profile. Men are instantly attracted by the way a woman looks. If they don't know what you look like, what do they have to be attracted to. It won't be your user name if you have no visual stimulation.

The most common error on a single womens profile photo is it's taken from too far away. Usually these are holiday snaps where the woman is standing next to large rock or statue. There's always something else to make them look even smaller in the photo. No one can see what they look like, all they see is the next photo.

Next common mistake is the photo is too dark. Most of the time this is due to too much light coming from behind you. With a combination of being too far away as well there was no point in uploading the photo in the first place. Men want to see you and you're beauty.

This one is unbelievable. Single women actually put a photo on their online dating profile, and they're cuddling another man in it. How many other men do they think will find that attractive. Single men will not take the time to join an online dating service to then click on a photo that has a picture of a women enjoying herself with another man.

Another not-so-good idea is to put something else in your photo space instead of you. You get puppies, kittens and well known actresses. Puppies and kittens are cute but that won't make someone want to get in contact with you. Even more so if the photo next to yours has an attractive lady for the single man to click on.

Seeing only a small part of your face won't help you either. You see lots of photos where it looks like the bottom has been cut off. Sometimes you might even just see a single woman's left eye, or just their eyes and forehead.

Some single women will upload a photo with their face blurred out or just missing. Men don't find this attractive. All they will ask is, why aren't they showing there face? There can only be a few reasons for this, and none of them will be good.

A small collage of someone's favorite photos gets used sometimes. So they have 5 or 6 photos in their 2 inch square profile photo space that no one can see properly. Only they will know why they didn't upload them all separately. And they're the only ones that don't know why they're not getting any e-mails.

A group photo is another classic mistake. How does anyone know who the single women is if there is more than one person in the photo. Some have 5 or 6 women and men in the photo.

And last but not least is the single woman you takes a photo of herself in the mirror. Then uploads her new photo of a body with a big flash as her head.

If you're a single woman using an online dating service for the first time try and not make any of these mistakes. If you upload a nice clear photo of only you from at the very most waist up you will get far more clicks on your profile. It doesn't matter how attractive you are or feel you are, there will always be someone that is attracted to you. Providing they can see you.

For more online dating tips and advice visit -

Jason King is the webmaster for The online dating reviews. http://www.the-online-dating-reviews.comCelesta Blog90758
Ceil Blog67760

The Two Worst Things That Could Happen With A Business Loan

It is important to have an understanding of what can go wrong with a business loan. The focus of this article is on two situations that will have the most severe financial consequences. A loan disapproval at an early point in the application process is not included here because it is not likely to have the immediate financial consequences of the examples provided below. Business owners should be prepared in advance for these problematic circumstances so that they can develop contingency plans.


Recall provisions allow the lender to call the loan (forcing the borrower to repay early) prior to the expiration of the loan. This issue is not of concern to commercial borrowers whose business loan does not contain provisions permitting the lender to recall the loan. However many traditional commercial lenders routinely place recall clauses in their loan agreements. The conditions which can trigger a recall will vary but will commonly include periodic review of financials and credit history by the lender. Under these circumstances if agreed levels of income and credit standards are not met, then the bank will typically notify the commercial borrower that they must pay off the loan within a 30-90 day period.

When confronted with a recall notification, commercial borrowers will have little recourse other than to seek refinancing from another lender. In seeking alternative sources of commercial financing, prudent borrowers will eliminate potential lenders who will impose similar recall provisions in new financing. To avoid the recall situation in the first place, commercial borrowers would be wise to consider only commercial loans which will not have recall terms. For commercial borrowers who currently have recall provisions in their commercial financing agreement but have not yet received a recall of their loan, it will be equally wise to consider refinancing their business loan before such a recall occurs so that refinancing is accomplished according to the commercial borrowers timetable and not that of the current commercial lender.


The commercial appraisal process is lengthy, expensive and relatively uncontrollable in terms of results. In many cases one of the unknowns is how much the appraisal will cost. Unfortunately commercial mortgage appraisal costs can be unpredictable and will approach what many borrowers view to be excessive for specialized commercial properties such as assisted living facilities. Appraisals for a stated income loan will usually be more costly because the lender is primarily depending on credit scores and a sound appraisal to support the loan. These appraisal situations will cost more for commercial properties in rural areas because qualified appraisers may not be available locally. The timetable for completing an appraisal is another potential source of problems, and until the appraiser is selected and commits to a schedule, the completion date is not likely to be known with any degree of accuracy (and this can result in a longer processing period for the loan).

Even though cost and schedule are critical issues, an even bigger issue is the appraisal value that is provided by the appraisal. For example, I have seen instances in which a commercial borrower thought their property was worth $500,000 but the commercial appraiser selected by the lender produced an appraisal with a value of $285,000. While this is not a routine outcome, it is certainly not unusual to receive an appraisal that produces a value that is less than the commercial borrower expects. A similar (but avoidable) problem occurs when a commercial appraisal is not accepted by the lender because the appraiser did not provide an appraisal meeting basic guidelines. For example, a key element of a commercial appraisal is the valuation based on analysis of income. If an appraiser chooses to submit an appraisal based only on comparable sales data even though the lender stipulated in the engagement letter that an income appraisal is required, then the lender will not accept the appraisal (and is likely to refuse even a modified report from the appraiser when they violate such a basic appraisal requirement).

It is important to have an understanding of how the appraiser will be asked to determine value as well as to realize that there might be significant assets which will not even be included in the value. Items such as equipment and furniture are frequently excluded, especially in commercial real estate loans. For businesses such as funeral homes and assisted living facilities, it is very common for the overall business value to be much higher than the real estate value. But an appraisal based on the real estate value will nevertheless exclude the excess business value from the commercial real estate value.

What contingency plans are advisable for the appraisal process? First, be prepared for the appraisal to be more expensive than initially expected and ensure that funds are available to cover this possibility. Second, be prepared for the appraisal to take longer than expected. If buying a business property, the buyer should discuss this possibility in advance with the seller. If refinancing, the owner should not make plans for spending funds until the appraisal has been finalized and the lender indicates their readiness to close the loan. Third, consider in advance what action to take if the appraisal produces a lower value than expected. Fourth, decide if an additional appraisal is warranted (this possibility needs to be considered especially for the situation in which the appraisal is not accepted by the lender).

The purpose of this article was to focus on business loan problems with immediate financial consequences. There are a multitude of other serious commercial loan problems which borrowers should have a similar awareness of in order to avoid unnecessary complications. Commercial borrowers should visit and for an overview of strategies for avoiding commercial financing problems.

Copyright 2005-2006 AEX Commercial Financing Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Steve Bush provides commercial financing assistance throughout the United States and is the publisher of The Commercial Real Estate Loans and Commercial Mortgages Guide ( ) and The Credit Card Receivables Guide ( ). His toll-free number is (888) 593-3951.Ajay Blog84400
Barbe Blog24444

Home Based Business For The Busy Executive

Do you want to earn a full time income working from home? Or maybe you just want to make some extra money in addition to your current income. In either case you need a product.

Imagine owning an automated turnkey online business that earns you money 24 hours a day - 7 days a week - 365 days a year, without you even lifting a finger.

Sound impossible? Well, it is not if you have the right products, and tools to sell those products.

In the brick and mortar model, you need products for resale and a shop to display the products.

Starting a traditional business that way is a good venture into an arena whereby your potential and talents are put to full use. That would give you satisfaction that will be unmatched by a 9-5 job.

The only set back is the initial outlay is quite substantial and so is the risk.

No wonder many have taken advantage of the other model--Internet business which can operate from your very own home.

It's no secret that ordinary people are making thousands of dollars every month working from home, running simple websites that require almost no work or expenses.

The internet offers the quickest and easiest way to make a fortune. If you have what people want to buy and know how to promote it to your customers, then you will succeed! Contrary to what most people believe, you do not have to be a genius or have any special skills in order to make money on the internet. Anyone can make money online, including you!

It does not matter how old you are, where you are from or what your education level is. No experience of any kind is necessary. All you need is a computer and access to the internet.

There are currently thousands of websites that promise to make you a millionaire with little or no work required from your part. And almost all of them, with a few rare exceptions, do not work. They just take your money and give you a lot of worthless information that is completely useless to you. You may have even tried some of those 'get rich quick' schemes yourself, and ended up losing money instead of making them.

If you have the right products to sell and the knowledge required to sell them, then you will make money online, guaranteed! But 99% of people who try to make an income online fail, because they are missing one or both of those things.

How to start your own high-profit website in five easy steps:

Step 1: Find a product to sell. This Package contains 45 high-quality bestselling software that are currently in high-demand, and also teaches you how to create your own profitable information products starting from scratch.

Step 2: Design your sales pages. This Package and all the individual products contained in it come with professionally designed sales websites. All you have to do is add your order link at the bottom of each sales page.

Step 3: Setup credit card processing on your website. Accepting credit cards online is neither complicated or expensive. Many companies allow you accept credit cards on your website, and in exchange they deduct a small amount from each sale to cover their fees. Paypal is probably the most commonly used for buyers and sellers.

Step 4: Selecting a Domain Name and Web hosting Company. Finding a Web Host is easy. There are many to choose from. Just make sure that choose one with at least 2000 megabytes of storage for you so you can continue to add more products to your store in the future. Also when selecting a domain name try to pick one that is appropriate to what you are selling.

Step 5: Your Ready, Start Promoting Watch the orders come in! Receive an automatic email notification from your credit card processing company every time you make a sale!

As you can see for yourself, we have already completed most of these steps for you. It would literally take you months to create just a single product and a single website to sell that product with. But now you do not have to waste your time and money creating products and websites that may end up failing because of their low quality and value.

You will be provided with 45 top-selling, high quality products and sales websites so you can begin making money immediately!

This is how you do it:

1) Design a separate website To showcase all the 45 products.

2) Set up thank you page for the products,

3) Upload the 45 products (all soft ware in Zip files ) to your server.

4) Get a payment processor

5) Test the various links to make sure your client has no problem downloading them.

6) Wait to see your Bank A/C to soar

Stein Ellen is an author actively contributing to online communities articles relating to internet business strategies. He maintains a site at Blog68240
Ariel Blog35096

Spy on Your Competitors; 10 Tips To Monitoring The Competition

The old adage, "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer", is applicable not only to personal relationships but business relationships as well. While I'm not suggesting that you befriend your competitors, it is important that you are cognizant of your competitors' business ventures and methods.

It is important to realize that while monitoring your competitors is essential, it could easily become an obsession. Therefore, it is crucial that you strike a balance when incorporating it into your business plan. There are several ways to conduct successful stealth competitive intelligence operations. While it is fanciful to imagine yourself as a secret agent or spy, none of these techniques are difficult, hidden or secretive. In fact, most of them are tools or services available to all businesses.

1. Ego Searches

What are ego searches? Ego searches are keywords or keyword phrase searches for a specific brand, product, or company name. Ego searches are a great way to monitor mentions of a competing product. You can automate the set up of ego searches using RSS, so anytime a competitor's product or brand name is mentioned in the news, blogosphere, or print you receive notification and the details in an RSS feed.

How to Setup Ego Feeds -

Create RSS Ego Searches -

2. Competitive Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence is defined as the process of gathering actionable information in a competitive environment. Competitive Intelligence is researching the business environment or techniques that another business uses. Competitive Intelligence is often used to influence a strategy for business development.

First, it is necessary to know your competition. Background research can be conducted using the tools at DNS Stuff , and various other websites. The DNS stuff website will allow you to do a whois lookup. A number of other research tools are also available on the site.

3. Google Alerts

Receive notification via email on the latest relevant Google search results (web, news, etc.). Define the Google Alerts using a competitors company name or product name. (3rd party tracking service) - Google Alert is the web's leading automated search and web intelligence solution for monitoring your professional interests online. It tracks the entire web for your personalized topics and sends you new results by daily email.

4. Meta Tags

Have you ever considered what keywords or phrases a competitor is targeting on their website? Have a peak at their meta tags by simply viewing the webpage source. Pay particular attention to the header tags that include title, description, and keywords. Are these keywords part of your marketing mix?

5. Information

Arm yourself with information. The Googspy website is particularly useful when used properly. Enter a keyword, company name, or domain, click the results and view the companies top 25 competitors. If any of those websites are using pay per click on Google, you will also be able to obtain a partial list of the adwords they have purchased. The website gives you a glimpse inside competitors, but the list they provide is by no means exhaustive.

6. Incoming Links

There are a number of ways to determine who is linking to a competitor.

A simple search can be conducted in Google and MSN for "" (replace with competitor's domain). In Yahoo enter a search for "" (again replacing with your competitors name). The search will produce all webpages that provide a link to your competitor. Ideally you can request links from the websites as well.

Other BackLink Tools -

Search for Places to Submit to; this site auto-generates another tools that works in a similar way - ; simply enter the keyword and a list of sites that will allow you to request links appears.

7. Alexa Ranking

Use Alexa to determine not only who is linking to a competitor, but also to determine what sites are related (list yours) . Alexa monitors web traffic trends, and a list of similar websites. Alexa also has the ability to show a website's popularity trends.

8. Website Monitoring

It is generally a good practice to monitor competitors, and you can do this using a tool like CodeMonitor. CodeMonitor takes a snapshot of a websites' HTML and notifies of any changes. The differences in the web pages are highlighted, making it easy to discern what changes occurred. CodeMonitor is a free online tool, that can be found at:

9. Comparison Tools

MarketLeap has some great search comparison tools that allow for you to compare domains and ranking. Marketleap's Trend/History report gives you a view of how you or a competitors website's Search Engine Saturation has performed over time. It also verifies search engine placement based on keywords so you can quickly discern a competitors ranking for various phrases in the top search engines.

10. Other Useful Spy Tools

Domain tools has a mark alert that allows you to monitor the use of a trademark. They also have a number of domain tracking and monitoring tools that can be helpful.

Keep in mind that while you should be aware of the direction a competitor is moving. I do not advocate copying a competitor. These tools above are to assist businesses in monitoring their competition. I am not suggesting that you replicate, duplicate, or copy anything that a competitor does. Use the competitive intelligence to make sound business decisions about the direction you want to take.

Copyright 2006 Sharon Housley

Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll software for creating, editing, publishing RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition Sharon manages marketing for NotePage a wireless text messaging software company.Catherin Blog72289
Alisun Blog48559

Strategic Management

In strategic management, managers must know how the different parts of the organization and its environment fit together. It is crucial in understanding how they affects and influence each other.

To understanding what is strategic management, we need to ask the following questions:-

How did our organization reach the situation it is today?

Why is it producing these particular products or services?

Why you are located here?

Why are you serving a particular part of the market place?

Why are you organized this way?

It boils down to decisions of course!

How these major (or strategic) decisions about products, location, structure and senior management appointments are made and how they are implemented can be defined as the process of strategic management.

Corporate planning process can be adhoc or opportunistic (less structured) approach for small firms; fashion clothing retailer. It is more logical and structured approach to making strategy for big MNCs like Glaxo, Philips, SIA etc.,

Who undertakes the strategic decisions or the corporate planning process?


Senior management team, Staff analysts (technical work)

Implementations by middle and junior managers.

Strategic Reviews and Scenario Planning on a quarterly or half yearly basis well facilitated by a professional facilitator and consultant brings about the best result in Organizational Change Development.

Organizations that do not plan strategically will ultimately lead to failure!

Don't take it lightly if we are serious about our organizations survival and success.


If your organization needs such professional service, contact us

And we will be very glad to advise and serve you.


Building Organizational Success through regular Strategic Planning!

This course is conducted and facilitated by Dr. Daniel Choo for Senior Executives and Management Teams of MNCs.

Dr. Daniel Choo is a strategic organizational change development interventionist and very well received professional facilitator and management consultant in the Asia Pacific Rim.

Dr. Daniel Choo is the Founder and Managing Director of Ephod Consulting Associates Pte. Ltd.Alexina Blog36334
Benoite Blog10631

A Review of Backyard Football

To play a game of backyard football with your buddies or with the family doesnt mean the same thing any more. Probably you still remember the time when we all played full fledged football in neighborhood skirmishes, and if you dont its not so bad as you can still have some fun on your computer while playing backyard football. The game makes a great Christmas or birthday present for you children also. You just have to cover the hardware requirements and learn to play.

To play a game of football with your buddies or with the family doesnt mean the same thing any more. Probably you still remember the time when we all played full fledged football in neighborhood skirmishes, and if you dont its not so bad as you can still have some fun on your computer while playing backyard football. The game makes a great Christmas or birthday present for you children also. You just have to cover the hardware requirements and learn to play.

Having the chance to choose from more than 30 professional teams and of course all of their players, and to even modify every single player in the game, will be great fun for your little treasures. The fact that it allows players to change what they dont like makes that game really great. And you dont have to worry about your Backyard Kids standing up against adult players of Gannon and Bledsoe. Both you and your kind will get excited when you see the junior-sized characters of those real professional footballers in your copy of Backyard Football.

Another strong point of the game is that even offering so many options for the play itself it does not require having a super computer as some others do. In the computer age that we live in, even if the game is having problems to run on your computer it will be easy to upgrade it. It only requires a standard version of Windows 2000, 98 or even 95 will do, your processor speed should be at least 166 MHz and youll need at least 32 MB of free space on you hard drive, and youre ready for kick off. In case you decide to save all your teams players and scores in the tournaments youll need some more free hard drive space too. And of course the better the SVGA video card you have the better youll enjoy the game on the screen.

It will be great fun for you too if you give it a try. Nobody knows what a competition you may start. And you kids will be very happy with that if you finally found the time to spend a few hours with them playing Backyard Football on the PC. It will definitely leave you with some nice memories too. Sharing all the emotions of your children around that great game can even bring some of your memories about the days of real backyard football back.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning games. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog3116
Bride Blog43895

Auto Repair Insurance: Extended Warranties Myths And Facts

How much insurance does one need? You have the big four: home, health, life, and car insurance. Then theres a second category, which starts getting a little hazy with credit card insurance, purchase protection plans, fraud insurance and more. Extended warranties, also called extended service contracts, or extended service policies fall into the mist of this second category.

Extended warranties are supposed to pay (in full or in part) for specified repairs for a specific period of time after the expiration of the factory warranty. They can be a great value. They can also be a significant waste of money. It gets quite foggy in the details. What exactly is covered? How long? How much? Are there hidden charges?

There are numerous extended warranty companies and an even wider variety of warranty packages available: silver, gold, platinum, platinum-plus, and a host of other confidence-building words. Whats the best plan, and are extended service contracts worth the money? Extended warranties, like life insurance policies, are a numbers game. Theyre a gamble. You pay $2500-$4500 for a 2 year, 100,000-mile protection plan and hope that you get at least that back in warranty repairs. The provider on the other hand, hopes to pay out less than it insured.

There are three major types of plan providers: The manufacturer, the dealership/third party, and third party providers. Each one has its assets and liabilities (discussed ahead).

What exactly is covered in an extended service plan? As mentioned above, whats covered depends on the package purchased. Some plans only cover the power train: the mechanical components of the engine, transmission, and rear-end. Others cover the power train plus some electrical components. Still others cover electrical, advanced electrical, and computer components. Some only cover whats listed in the contract. This is called a Stated or Named contract. This means that if its not stated, its not covered. Some cover bumper-to-bumper, similar to a manufacturer warranty, except trim pieces, upholstery, exterior components, cosmetic items, and a number of other exclusions.

Never before has the adage, The devils in the details, been so applicable.

Manufacturer Extended Plans:
Extended service plans from the manufacturer are the best in terms of coverage, convenience, and quality. Coverage is similar to the warranty while the vehicle was under its original factory warrantywith similar exclusions stated above. The billing is direct, meaning you dont have to pay out-of-pocket, except for a deductible, if applicable. Quality is great too, as an extended warranty from the manufacturer will only use factory parts. They also have money, so theres less risk of bankruptcy.

The down side of manufacturer extended service plans is that they are not cheap. These plans are generally the most expensive, require low mileage standards, and necessitate servicing your vehicle at a dealer for coverage.

Dealership/Third Party Plans:
Extended warranties from a dealership are actually from a third party insurer. These providers are generally reputable, but not always. However, if there is an issue (such as the warranty provider filing chapter 11, which is quite frequent in the extended service contract business), the dealer may step in to cover any repairs that would have been covered under the defunct plan. Also, claims are easier: billing is direct because the dealership has a working relationship with the provider, and there is usually agreement on price.

Some dealers set up their own internal extended warranty, which is honored by the selling dealer. This is rare, and should not be confused with a manufacturer warranty. Important: extended warranties are often passed off as manufacturer warranties. Theyre not. This is a sales trick. Also be aware that there is a significant mark up, as the dealership is merely acting as the middle man. Lastly, extended warranty companies often go bankrupt without warning.

Third Party Plans:
These plans are called third party plans because they are outside the responsibility of the manufacturer and the service center performing the repairs (unless theres a working relationship with a repair shop as stated above).

There are hundreds of extended service contract companies. Some have good reputations, some dont. Third party plans are frequently sold by used car dealers. You may also receive an official looking notification in the mail stating that your warranty is expiring, and directing you to call an 800 number ASAP. This is a marketing tactic by an independent warranty provider. Despite the official appearance of the postcard or envelope, its not from the manufacturer. Manufacturers do not send out reminders about warranty expirations.

Given the wide-variety of third party plans there are numerous red flags.

1) Claims: Extended warranty companies will be quick to tell you that filing claims is easy, and that the service center gets paid immediately via a credit card. Thus, theres no out-of-pocket expense for you. However, the warranty company cant dictate a service centers policies. Some service centers will only accept payment from the repair customer. Thus the burden is on the repair customer to fill out the forms, contact their warranty company, and await reimbursement via check, which can take 2-8 weeks.

It is the service centers responsibility to contact the extended warranty company to let them know whats wrong with the vehicle and to check coverage. This process can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 20 days, sometimes more, depending on the degree of repairs and especially the amount. (See $1000 and Adjusters ahead)

Service centers and extended warranty companies frequently battle over the fair price of repairs. Many repair shops no longer negotiate, and just state the price, leaving the contract holder (i.e., the service customer) responsible for the difference.

2) Rentals: Rental coverage is a great benefit. However, there are fixed rates and time limits. In other words, the warranty company is not going to pay to have you drive a Mercedes-Benz, even if you drive a Benz. Rental allowances range from $25 to $35 per day. Also, rental coverage is based on the number of hours it takes to repair the vehicle, NOT how long your car has been at the shop.

3) $1000 and Adjusters: Repairs that approach $1000, or that require a significant amount of work, will be cause for the warranty company to call in an adjuster to confirm the diagnosis. This will delay the repairs by a minimum of 24-48 hours. It may cost you additional money when an adjuster is involved. You may be charged to have your vehicle pulled back into the shop for inspection, as well as for the time spent with the adjuster.

4) Tear-down Charges: In many cases, an extended warranty company will require that a particular component be taken apart for inspection to determine if the repair is indeed needed and covered. This puts the service customer in a very awkward position. The customer will have to authorize potentially hundreds of dollars of tear-down expense in the hopes that the repair is covered. If its not, the customer is out the hundreds in tear-down PLUS the actual repair. This does happen!

Common Myths:

1) "Extended warranties cover maintenance services and brake work."

No. Extended warranty plans do not cover maintenance or wearable items. Brake pads and rotors are wearable parts. Maintenance such as coolant, brake and transmission flushes, tune-ups, services, oil changes, bulbs, wipers, and more are not covered.

2) "They told me its bumper-to-bumper, so it covers everything right?"

Wrong. Not even a factory warranty covers everything. When pitching the sale for the extended warranty, one is very often lead to believe that he or she will have nothing to worry about. This is just not true on so many levels. For example, if your bumper falls off its not covered.

3) "I dont have to pay anything, right?"

Wrong. Despite the claims of 100% coverage, there are many factors involved. The labor rates, labor hours, diagnostic times, parts prices, and machine work are just a few items that often conflict with a service centers policies. Some extended contracts only pay a maximum of $55 per hour, and only allow one half hour for diagnostic time. This is generally unacceptable to the service center, as labor rates have skyrocketed to over $100 per hour at many dealerships, and average $75 at local shops. Moreover, with the complexity of todays vehicles, diagnostic time is at a premium. The customer pays the difference.

4) "If I have an expensive problem, I can just purchase an extended service contract."

Its unethical, but its an option many attempt. However, most service contracts have a minimum time requirement before the first claim can be filed: usually three months. Also, many contracts require that your vehicle be inspected by a service center to check for pre-existing conditionsjust like life insurance.

5) "My contract lasts up to 100,000 miles."

Only if the time limit doesnt run out first. All extended warranty plans have a time limit. For example, a typical contract will state that the vehicle is covered for two years or 100,000 miles, which ever comes first. During the sales pitch, however, the emphasis will be on the 100,000 miles, not the time.

6) "If my car breaks, it gets fixed like new."
Actually, depending on the contract, an extended warranty company can insist on installing remanufactured or even used parts.

Items commonly not covered by extended warranties:
Any component with a pre-existing condition
Any component related to a Technical Service Bulletin (TSB)
Many components that has been updated by the manufacturer
Extra components necessary due to manufacturer updates to complete the repair
Trim pieces: molding, cup holders, dashboard, console, body parts, glass
Many accessories: radios, DVD players, TVs
Many expensive electronics: climate control units, navigation assemblies

Service contract positives:
Some service contracts are transferable, and may thus increase the resale value of a vehicle. Many come with trip interruption reimbursement, towing and 24-hour road side. Some plans can also be financed, or have E-Z Pay Plans. Others offer a money-back guarantee.

What should you do?
Youll get lots of advice about doing the research, comparing plans, and reading the fine print. This is all sound advice. But what about doing the math?

Lets say a plan costs $2500 for 2 years or 100,000 miles, whichever comes first. To break even youll need a minimum of $1250 per year in covered repairs, excluding regular maintenance. Remember covered is the vital word here.

Another way to break it down is to anticipate having to pay $104.17 per month over the next two years in covered repairs. Do you want to take that bet?

What could happen?
You could double your money or more in repair work. You could conceivably get a new engine and transmission (or used ones anyway). You could also easily spend $2500 for a service contract, and still have to pay another $2500 for repairs, which for a variety of reasons, were not covered under your plan. Now youre out $5000.

Alternatively, you could keep the initial $2500. In many ways all an extended warranty does is prepay for repairs. You could stick the money in the bank and collect interest. Then you could withdraw the money for repairs as needed.

Another consideration thats rarely discussed is the cause of the problems. Many car repairs problems are the result of wear and tear, neglected maintenance, physical damage, or acts of Godsuch as flood damage. None of this is covered. The gamble only covers failed components.

If the vehicle youre driving does cost $2500 to $4500 in repairs due to outright failed components, is it a vehicle you even want to consider keeping? A vehicle that needs this kind of repair work due to mechanical, electrical, or computer failures may not be worth it. The $2500-$4500 would be better spent on an upgrade to a quality vehicle rather than insuring a lemon.

Theres no question that auto repair is expensive, and even quality cars break from time to time. But do they breakdown to the tune of $2500-$4500? Thats a hefty bet on a possibility.

Terence OHara from the Washington Post makes an excellent assessment about extended warranties in general. He writes:

extended warranties play upon a basic human trait to avoid loss, even if it means sacrificing a possible future gainthe gain is all the other things of value that a consumer could buy with the money that was spent on a warranty

Whats the best plan?
Money in your bank account!

Theodore P. Olson (Ted) holds extensive certifications from Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, GM, and ASE. He is the author of eight books and numerous articles on the automotive service industry. RepairTrust Fair Blog75563
Alyss Blog52675

12 Ways Leaders Tell Their People They Are Important

Leaders know the old saying "How you act shouts so loudly I can't hear what you're saying" is the truth. They use it to their advantage. Leaders know the greatest sense of accomplishment and importance often comes from non monetary rewards, and from positive recognition from the person who is the boss. And they know they can do it without "breaking the rules" or incurring big expenses.

Many managers feel constrained by the rules and regulations of their organizations. They feel that their hands are tied when it comes to rewarding their people that their actions are controlled by others, and there is little of any real value they can do to motivate their people.

Here are 12 Ways leaders let their people know how important they are:

Way #1 Leaders truly believe the work performed by their people is important. This may sound pretty basic, but that is an absolutely essential belief. Without it there is simply no way people can be convinced that what they do is important.. How often have your heard or been guilty of saying or thinking "Oh, she's just the receptionist" or, "He's just the janitor" or "They're just trainees" or "They're just a staff weenie?"

Way #2 Leaders expect the best from everyone, and settle for nothing less. Nothing makes people feel more important than high expectations for their performance. Leaders make sure their people share in setting the expectations.

Way #3 Leaders create goals that are shared and that show the tie in of individual work with the success of the organization.

Way #4 Leaders select the best in every opening they have. Every tool is used to ensure that the best possible decision is made on who is selected. People watch very carefully to see who is picked they need to be involved in the selection process whenever possible. Leaders know that actions taken in selection communicate how important the open position is. Who is selected is seen as a direct reflection on the quality of the people in the organization.

Way #5 Leaders are their people's institutional champion! What's that mean? When their pay is wrong, leaders get it right. When their reviews are scheduled, leaders ensure they are done accurately and on time. When their raises are due, leaders make sure they are handled properly and on time. Leaders jealously guard their relationship as the go to person for their people. Institutional support people can help, but leaders know they are the key contact for their people.

Way #6 Leaders are absolutely intolerant of unsafe, disruptive or other negative behaviors. They act on them quickly and decisively, and never let their people see them knowingly ignore a bad situation. Leaders know these situations will not go away, regardless how much "wish'in and hop'in and pray'in" might be done.

Way #7 Leaders know that trust and respect are not the same thing as being liked. It is nice to be liked, it is absolutely essential that people trust and respect their leader. As a comedian said: "If you want to be liked, get a dog."

Way #8 Leaders cultivate a climate of civility for their people. In their relationships with their people, they make sure their actions reflect a fundamental respect for others.

Way #9 Leaders get every one of their people some form of self development activity on a regular basis. It may be a seminar, it may be tuition refund, it may be a book, it may be a CD set, it may be reimbursement for a Webinar or a podcast, it may be a Community College course it does not have to be expensive and time consuming, but the act of creating added value through the investment of personal effort supported by organizational resources is a powerful way to express importance.

Way #10 Leaders respect their people's time it's their most valuable asset. Leaders start meetings on time, end them on time, keep meeting commitments. They do what they have to do to ensure their people have the use of as much of their work time as possible.

Way #11 Leaders keep the rules and policies to an absolute minimum. If there is workable set of cultural and organizational "Way's Of Doing Things" then the basis for treating people with individual regard exists. If they don't exist, leaders set them in their own area of responsibility.

Way #12 Leaders celebrate the successes they create the opportunity for group recognition to happen all over the place if Safety is an issue, they create a Safety Award process that celebrates progress. They make the celebration events frequent, the rewards modest but they do it all the time. Leaders know the frequency of awards and the opportunity for celebration are as important, actually more important, than the annual lunch or dinner or whatever.

Did you notice one thing about all 12 Ways? Not one of them deals with lots of money, or more capital, or new policies or procedures. All do require beliefs and behaviors and they are the most challenging, most high leverage efforts that can be made to improve an organization. It's always tempting to do a feel good seminar, or buy something, or take some action that shows a high level of commitment to the people.. But the truth is that the way to greater success is through a focused, day to day effort to improve the level of commitment of the people in an organization, and that takes hard work, leadership and the acceptance of change.

If you can see Ways that can help you organization or your work group or yourself in this article, take them and run with them they are the basis for successful managers becoming successful leaders.

Andy Cox and the Cox Consulting Group have helped many organizations in designing and implementing change. To reach the Cox Consulting Group, go to .Catherina Blog58284
Cati Blog2156

Backing It Up With A CD Rom

With the technical age upon us, computers are far more important now than they have ever been in the past. A lot is done on the computer these days, from paying bills to earning a living. Therefore, the data that you have on your computer is very important.

Among the data found on your computer, you may have precious pictures and memories that you wouldnt dream of losing. No matter how sophisticated computers get, they will still crash, or encounter other problems that can result in a loss of data. For that reason, a backup of your data is very important.

While there are several ways that you can go about backing up your data, a CD Rom is by far the easiest and quickly becoming the most popular as well. Like other backup methods, the CD Rom does have its faults, although it has more pros to offer you than cons.

One of the best facts about CD Rom backups are the fact that your disc will be stored on CDs. The standard CD-R data disc can hold up to 700 MB of data, which is a lot of files. You can store pictures, documents, software, programs, and virtually anything else that you can think of to a CD - including entire folders that are full of files and data.

If you use CD-RW media, which are also known as re-writable discs, youll be able to continue adding data until the disc is full. You can also re-write over existing data on these discs as well, which makes them ideal for those who constantly update documents that they need to hold onto.

If you are using the standard CD-R data disks, you wont be able to add more data to them. Once you have added the information to your disk, thats it. This is a great choice if you want to keep the data as is, and know without a shadow of a doubt that it is going to be backed up whenever you need it.

With the prices of CD burners and CDs being so cheap these days, anyone can afford them. They dont cost near as much as they did years ago, which is why they are so popular when it comes to backing up your data. If you own a newer computer, chances are that a CD burner was included with it. If you have an older computer, you can buy a CD burner and some discs for a little of nothing.

The best thing about backing up data with CDs is the fact that they are more reliable than floppy discs, easier to access than an online backup, and they will last you a lifetime. If you have important data that needs to be backed up, you can rest assured that a CD-Rom is an excellent way to back up your information.

John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to Blog33665
Barby Blog57534

A Quick Guide to Children's Furniture for the Bedroom or Playroom

Whether you are looking for bedroom furniture or family room play furniture you will find many conventional and unusual choices.

Where to start

If you would like to look at the products, take your child to the local department stores and see if they have what you want. If you don't have time to shop or don't live conveniently close to stores, there are many online catalogs with endless choices and unique designs.

If you are decorating the child's room, decide what color paint you want and what theme you will use. You could let the child choose these so they will enjoy their own special room. Choose fabrics for your children's furniture that will take wear and tear, and wood that matches your other furniture. Functionality and durability are important in choosing the style you will buy. Buying good quality furniture is important if you want it to last for many years. If you have more than one child using it this is especially important.

Making Choices

Children will feel very grown up with their own seating such as kid's rocking chairs, kid's recliners, beanbags, and even small kid's size sofas! When choosing the children's chairs, pay attention to the craftsmanship and make sure they are sturdy. Also, make sure they don't tip over easily or have a high back that the child can tip over. Having their own chairs will give them a place to play video games or watch their favorite movie.

For more seating, you might want to add a child size table and chairs. This will give the children their own place to eat, color, make crafts or look at books. These come in formal wooden table and chairs or more casual styles such as picnic tables or brightly painted sets.

Durability and Safety

When buying children's bedroom furniture it is again important to look at the quality of the furniture. Make sure it is sturdy enough to withstand children playing and the normal "monkeys jumping on the bed." If you buy furniture that is plain and not overly ornate, you will be able to add pieces to it as your child grows. For instance, when they are little you might want to buy a toy box with it. Later, when they are older, you might want to add a computer desk and chair. Or, if you were not able to purchase all the pieces you want the first time, you would be able to add more as you desire.

It is also important when selecting children's furniture to notice any safety hazards. Some toy boxes have lids that are heavy and do not have a way to hold them up. Check these carefully because harmful accidents have occurred. If you see any other possible hazards look carefully before buying.

Keep these tips in mind when buying children's furniture and you'll find safe, enjoyable furniture that will endure years of child's play!

Chris Robertson is a published author of Majon International. Majon International is one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing and internet advertising companies on the web. Visit their main business resource web site at: http://www.majon.comAnnabal Blog60377
Beverlie Blog31768

A Little Bit About The Italian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound is known in its native land as Picooli Levrieri Italiani. It is an ancient breed that looks like a miniature version of the Greyhound with all the talents of the bigger Greyhound.

The ancestors of the Italian Greyhound probably came from Egypt, Turkey and Greece, where they later found favor with medieval European royalty. The Italian Greyhound became popular in southern Europe, especially in Italy, during the sixteenth century and eventually won the hearts of queens and princesses throughout Europe. This tin, personable miniaturization of the Greyhound probably was bred purposely as a ladys companion but later gained a reputation for having sufficient speed, endurance, and determination for coursing small game.

The Italian Greyhound loves to run in pursuit of small game or just for the fun of it. Exercise requirements can be met by long walks, backyard games and play.

Current function of the Italian Greyhound is mainly just as a classic companion pet, although the Italian Greyhound has sporting qualities. He is equally at home in the comfort of apartment living and a soft bed as he is seen speeding across a yard or field in pursuit of imaginary or real game.

The Italian Greyhound has virtually no fat insulation on its body which does make him a little more sensitive cold. His tiny size and scant, slick coat does not help in this area, but also adds to this dogs sensitivity to the cold. He probably is best kept in warmer climates.

The Italian Greyhound is affectionate, cheerful and intelligent. Avoid rowdy dogs and children when housing the Italian Greyhound. Older children should be taught not to try and carry around the Italian Greyhound. He is definitely not a pocket puppy breed, or one that enjoys being carried around. He is not known as a watchdog, although the bark of this breed sounds like a much larger dog. The Italian Greyhound is often timid around strangers. When properly introduced to visitors the Italian Greyhound warms up quickly.

The Italian Greyhound has an elegant beauty that pleases the eyes of those who meet this charming little dog. He stands about 13 inches tall and weighs about 8 pounds. He is quite similar to the Greyhound only smaller. The Italian Greyhound has a single coat that is fine and lies flat. It is seen in almost every color pattern and hue much like the Greyhound.


As you might guess grooming requirements of the Italian Greyhound are quite minimal. The coat is easily taken care of by regular, daily attention with velvet pad or a piece of silk. Equipment needed is a hound glove, velvet glove or pad. Bathe this breed in a good-quality protein shampoo. Use a purifying shampoo and mask on occasions or a condition to enhance the gleam of the coat.

Connie Limon. Visit us online at and sign up for our newsletters. About Toy Dogs is a guide to the selection and care of toy dog breeds. We feature articles, dog training resources, dog books, dog toys and supplies, and a toy dog breeder directory. Purchase a full page ad with up to 3 pictures, 12 picture video and advertising in our newsletters for one full year at the rate of $25 per year.Abigael Blog32949
Arlen Blog65841

What is Cyberstalking?

Protection from Cyberstalking

Computers and the Internet are becoming indispensable parts of America's culture, and cyberstalking is a growing threat.

What is Cyberstalking? Cyberstalking can be defined as threatening behavior or unwanted advances directed at another using the Internet and other forms of online and computer communications. Cyberstalking occurs when electronic mediums such as the Internet are used to pursue, harass or contact another in an unsolicited fashion. Internet CyberStalking is used to slander and endanger victims, taking on a public rather than private dimension.

Cyberstalking is the term used to describe stalking behavior undertaken by way of computer. Although no universal definition exists, cyberstalking occurs when an individual or group uses the Internet to stalk or harass another. Essentially cyberstalking is the act of stalking using the Internet, e-mail, or other electronic communication devices. Everyone who receives e-mail or uses the Internet is susceptible to cyberstalking.

In order to address cyberstalking, it is critical to understand stalking in general. The fact that cyberstalking does not involve physical contact may create the misperception that it is less threatening or dangerous than physical stalking. In many cases, cyberstalking is simply another phase in an overall stalking pattern, or it is regular stalking behavior using new technological tools. Essentially, cyberstalking is an extension of the physical form of stalking.

The anonymity of online interaction reduces the chance of identification and makes cyberstalking more common than physical stalking. The ease of use and non-confrontational, impersonal, and sometimes anonymous nature of Internet communications may remove disincentives to cyberstalking. Although cyberstalking might seem relatively harmless, it can cause victims psychological and emotional harm, and occasionally leads to actual stalking. More disturbingly, pornographers and pedophiles have begun to use cyberstalking as a way of locating new victims.

It is commonly assumed that cyberstalking is not as serious or harmful as real world stalking. It is true that cyberstalking bears little physical resemblance to traditional stalking methods such as following and loitering.

Cyberstalking is a relatively new phenomenon. The stream of data is sketchy, but some insights into cyberstalking trends are emerging. As with regular stalking, cyberstalking often begins when you attempt to break off a relationship. Anecdotal evidence from law enforcement agencies indicates that cyberstalking is a serious, and growing problem.

While cyberstalking has become a worldwide problem, most cases originate in the United States, making Americans the most vulnerable group of targets. It is estimated that there may potentially be tens or even hundreds of thousands of cyberstalking victims in the United States. A common area regarding cyberstalking is at the "edu" sites, which are educational institutes, such as colleges and universities. While, historically, cyberstalking has mostly been men stalking women, the reverse is happening more often as well.

In many instances, cyberstalking is simply another phase in an overall stalking pattern, or it is regular stalking behavior using new, high-technology tools. Keep a record of contact made (in relation to the cyberstalking event) with website administrators, victim support organizations and law enforcement personnel. Often, cyberstalking ventures offline and the cyberstalker may attempt to track down the victim physically. These things are important because online cyberstalking and bullying is increasing, and further, is grossly underreported.

By the use of new technology and equipment which cannot be policed by traditional methods, cyberstalking has replaced traditional methods of stalking and harassment. The investigation of cyberstalking and other computer crimes can be complex. The lack of adequate statutory authority also can limit law enforcement's response to cyberstalking incidents. Out-of-date and missing account, subscriber, and user information, as well as anonymizing tools, presented problems for law enforcement during cyberstalking investigations.

Copyright 2006 Francesca Black

Francesca Black develops educational material for and a top resource for locating security related RSS feeds.Bess Blog91982
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